Training Plans

Tips 'n tricks on how to start and follow training plans.

Starting a Training Plan
Some events allow you to start a training plan as part of the challenge. Training plans are currently only available as part of events who offer them.  ...
Fri, 17 Sep, 2021 at 3:50 PM
View Your Training Plan Progress
Once you have started a training plan you can view your personal progress from your Profile page. By default we'll show you a summarized view of 14 ...
Fri, 17 Sep, 2021 at 3:53 PM
Linking, Unlinking, and Adding activities to your plan
When you follow a training plan, the system will automatically try to connect each activity that you add or sync to the correct workout in your training pla...
Fri, 17 Sep, 2021 at 4:00 PM