We allow you to host your hybrid events on sodisp. Hybrid are a mix of both in-person race results (which are typically timed using professional timing equipment) and do-anywhere self-timed results (either by GPS app/watch or manual entry).


Hybrid leaderboards can be configured from our self-service EventManager tool. During the race setup you can toggle the Race Type to Hybrid. Please note that this option is currently only available for leaderboards of type Race. E.g. fastest 5k, 10k, or marathon time.

Once a leaderboard is marked as Hybrid you can upload your in-person results to that leaderboard. During the upload you select a race date and the Excel or csv file containing the results. 

Please note that each result must have a verification code which is unique to the participant. This is needed to allow participants to claim their results.

Claim flows

A very powerful feature of the hybrid leaderboards is that they allow participants to claim their results. This will take their imported results and connect it with the profile of the participant. From then on the participant can use any of the connected integrations in sodisp to further improve on their result.

There are 3 different flows possible:

  1. Manual claim from result by providing verification code and email address
  2. Auto-claim imported results for already connected profiles
  3. Auto-claim existing results when joining a challenge

This allows you to import official results, even for races where some participants have already connected with the event.


There are a few important constraints you'd need to take into account when creating hybrid events.

  • Challenge must be marked as a Race
  • Preferably have a single allowed activity type selected for the race
  • Registration data must be imported for all participants (and include the email address required for claiming a result)
  • Rankings will be calculated by the system. Any ranking information provided in the import file will be ignored

Other features

  • Official results can be improved (but not on race day)
  • Official results get a double-check icon to clearly mark them as official
  • Hybrid results are supported for both individual and team results.
  • Leaderboards can be filtered to only show official results
  • Import results do not overwrite current results (unless it's an improvement)

Hybrid Events are a fairly complex feature. Don't hesitate to reach out to us when you are planning to use this so we can ensure the setup and configuration is in place before the event starts.