Badges can be extended to show a customizable popup when clicked. This popup can be used to add more context to a badge and show additional information. There are a few types of popups types possible, each with their own configuration settings.

Image Popups

An Image popup allows you to upload an additional image to show when the badge is opened. This can be used to enhance the experience and story of your challenge.

Panorama Popups

A Panorama popup allows you to upload a 360 degrees panorama image which is relevant to the badge. This should be an image in equirectangular projection. This is a special format to encode 360 degrees panorama images. 

Users can view those images on their screen and pan and zoom to get a full 360 degree impression of some location.

Google Street View Popups

A Google Street View popup shows the Google Street View image of a specific location on the map. The user can look around to get a full 360 degrees overview of where he/she is during the challenge.

By default we show the street view as it would be on the specific location along the course (based on distance from start). However, it is possible to show a specific street view which you have selected to give the best view. To do this you'd need to enter the Panorama Id. You can find this value by: 

  1. Go to
  2. Search for the address/location
  3. Drag the little Street View icon to the closest possible location to your marker:
  4. Click the complex code with the paperclip icon to copy the Panorama Id to your clipboard:

  5. Paste this in Panorama ID (see below) field and press Save

An alternative (more complex process is):

  1. Opening Google Maps and navigate to the location you want to show
  2. Drag the little Street View icon to the approximate location:
  3. Now copy the url, for instance ",2.2936318,3a,75y,144.99h,125.5t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sUFh6w1k3-kFiHkrLe3jTxw!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192" for the Eiffel Tower and paste it in Notepad
  4. Copy the part between !1s and !2e, in our case this is "UFh6w1k3-kFiHkrLe3jTxw"
  5. Enter this value in the Panorama ID field and press Save